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New posts in stat

File stat() vs access() to check permissions on a directory

c++ file-io stat

stat() error 'No such file or directory' when file name is returned by readdir()

c unix stat

How does Mac OS X know what programs are using a mounted filesystem?

php clearstatcache() performance and parameters explanation

php stat filemtime

How can I get the high-res mtime for a symbolic link in Perl?

perl symlink stat

Why do file permissions show different in Python and bash?

stat function for perl6

raku stat file-attributes

R : stat_smooth groups (x axis)

r ggplot2 smooth stat smoothing

c and LD_PRELOAD. open and open64 calls intercepted, but not stat64

Why are the fields in `struct stat` named st_something?

c struct stat

What are the advantages of using fstat() vs stat()?

c file system-calls stat fstat

R round exponential number

r rounding stat

On Linux, is access() faster than stat()?

Get a nanosecond-precise atime, mtime, ctime fields for file (stat?)

How to retrieve the user name from the user ID

How to use S_ISREG() and S_ISDIR() POSIX Macros?

c solaris stat readdir

How to use the mv command in Python with subprocess

python unix subprocess stat mv

Why is stat::st_size 0 for devices but at the same time lseek defines the device size correctly?

c linux posix stat

Git log --stat summary of branch

filesize(): stat failed for specific path - php

php filesize stat