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New posts in sqlconnection

Impersonation: ASP.Net MVC Controller Action vs. Web Forms

SqlConnection.OpenAsync() quits without throwing exception

Why is the SqlConnection still open after forcing .Close() and with using(...)?

c# sql-server sqlconnection

SQL Server deadlock when only inserting new rows without performing any selects

Detecting if the garbage collector was invoked (.Net)

C# .Net SqlConnection to LocalDB

How to test SqlServer connection without opening a database

SqlConnection Singleton

singleton sqlconnection

SQLCommand/SQLConnection vs OleDbCommand/OleDbConnection

How can maintain a SqlConnection open always

P/Invoke CryptUnprotectData breaks SqlConnection constructor

Inject IConfiguration into Program.cs (Console App) in .NET Core 3.0

How can I tell how many SQL Connections I have open in a windows service?

Connection at client database hangs application

Overhead of creating new SqlConnection in c#

c# .net database sqlconnection

Connection pool with possible severed connections

How can I "detach" a SqlDataReader from its SqlConnection object?

Difference between connection.OpenAsync and connection.Open when using Dapper QueryAsync method

Does DataAdapter.Fill() close its connection when an Exception is thrown?