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New posts in sqltransaction

When should I use a SQLTransaction

How to achieve consistent read across multiple SELECT using AWS RDS DataService (Aurora Serverless)

TransactionScope/SqlTransaction timeout extension

Single SqlConnection with Transaction, multiple commands situation

Commit Transaction take too long?

SQL Server deadlock when only inserting new rows without performing any selects

SqlTransaction after catch transaction connection is null

How does Npgsql handle failed transactions?

SqlTransaction to support multiple SqlConnections

c# sql sqltransaction

Transaction error when Django REST Framework raises an error on purpose

transactions and symfony2 entity manager

Does SqlTransaction need to have Dispose called?

Do not update row in ResultSet if data has changed

java jdbc sqltransaction

The configured execution strategy 'SqlAzureExecutionStrategy' does not support user initiated transactions

What is the scope of XACT_ABORT

How to use SqlTransaction in C#

Executing a stored procedure inside BEGIN/END TRANSACTION