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New posts in sql-server-ce

Use SQL Server Compact with ASP.NET Identity

Delete duplicates with no primary key

Sync data between a windows desktop app and windows mobile client app

SQL CE file sharing violation for multiple processes on local machine

jdbc driver for Microsoft SQL Server CE(Compact Edition) 3.5

CHECK/NOCHECK for Sql Compact Edition

Using EF Code First and SqlCe in WPF

How to deploy SqlCe Database into isolatedStorage for windows phone

Concurrent Access From Multiple Processes to Single Sql Server Compact Database File


Visual Studio 2013 SQL Compact

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Visual Studio 2013 has no SQL Server CE Data Provider

SQLCE Connections: Keep them open or let them close?

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SQL Server CE - Internal error: Cannot open the shared memory region


Using SQL Server Compact with Entity Framework 4.3

Images in database or in project folder as resources

Storing folder hierarchy in relational database

SQL CE 4.0 or SQL Express? Is Orchard right?

How to edit column name in Visual Studio's SQL Compact?

c# wpf sql-server-ce

Using Entity Framework with an SQL Compact Private Installation