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Problems connecting to Sql Server CE 4.0 with Sql Management Studio 2008

sql-server-ce ssms

Can I have 2 different EntityFramework contexts share a single SqlServer Compact database?

Set password of an existing sql ce database (per Code)

Linq with optional Where clauses and Sql Server CE

SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server Compact Edition?

Microsoft Azure HIPAA Database Compliance

Is it possible to connect PHP to SQL Server Compact Edition?

.CSV to SQL CE Table?

SqlCeParameter return Auto ID (Primary Key)

Does sql server compact still limit to 4gb


MSSql (Compact) DELETE-Query with JOIN

Where is the SQL Server Compact "repair utility?"

c# sql-server-ce

ERROR - The specified data type is not valid. [ Data type (if known) = varchar ] [duplicate]

How do I read the current path of |DataDirectory| from config settings

How can i get the sum of a database table to a variable?

T-SQL differences between SQL Server Compact Edition and real SQL Server?

NHibernate QueryOver<> - Aggregate function over SubQuery

Integration tests with Entity Framework 4 Code First using SQL Server CE 4 or SQLite

How to effectively store a high amount of rows in a database

Can I access sdf (SQL Server Compact database file) kept at some other computer on the same network?