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New posts in spring-cloud-feign

How to implement an integration test to check if my circuit breaker fallback is called?

How to Disable Ribbon and just use FeignClient in Spring Cloud

Change FeignClient url at runtime

What are the http codes to automatically retry the request?

spring boot feign client getting HTTP 404

Define different Feign client implementations based on environment

Reactive support for feign cleint

Hystrix & Ribbon Timeout Warnings

What is the correct way to use feign with spring cloud kubernetes?

Can I generate a Spring Feign client with Multipart parameters?

spring-cloud-starter-openfeign: Invalid HTTP method: PATCH executing PATCH

Migration netflix feign in Springboot 1.x to openfeign in Springboot 2.x

springboot could not found feignclient

How to exclude RequestInterceptor for an specific Spring Cloud Feign client?

Spring Cloud: Feign and Http Connection Pooling

Spring Cloud Feign Client @RequestParam with List parameter creates a wrong request

How do you allow 400 Errors to propagate when using Feign with Hystrix?

How to send POST request by Spring cloud Feign