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Using specs2 and FakeApplication() to test database fails evolution inserts

Play modules test & FakeApplication

What does the <% operator mean in Scala generics? [duplicate]

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Specs2 and @Before/@After-like methods

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Seq empty test with specs2

Using Akka TestKit with Specs2

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How do I verify invokations with specific string matchers in Specs2 with Mockito

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How to mock function returning AnyVal with Mockito in Scala / Specs2?

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How to set up SBT build to return zero exit code on test failure for Jenkins?

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play framework 2: test a request with a json string as body

How do I create a POST request with form field content with Spray?

scala specs2 spray

How to use playframework 2.3 with specs2 2.4 instead of specs2 2.3.x

How to specify different application.conf for specs2 tests?

scala intellij-idea specs2

Canonical Example of how to test Akka Actor using Scala in Play Framework

Create assembly jar that contains all tests in SBT project+subprojects

How can I skip a "should" block/fragment in specs2?

scala specs2

Integrate Specs2 results with Jenkins

jenkins sbt specs2

How do I match a thrown Exception's message?

scala specs2