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New posts in snakemake

How to set binding memory limits in snakemake


Handling SIGPIPE error in snakemake

snakemake sigpipe

awk command fails in snakemake --use-singularity

Building a workflow with dynamic input without using deprecated dynamic API

bioinformatics snakemake

snakemake: is there a way to specify an output directory for each rule?


How to use expand in snakemake when some particular combinations of wildcards are not desired?

SLURM / Sbatch creates many small output files

slurm snakemake sbatch

How to prevent snakemake from deleting output folders from failed jobs?


Snakemake slurm ouput file redirect to new directory

slurm snakemake sbatch

Implementation How to use expand in snakemake when some particular combinations of wildcards are not desired?

python wildcard snakemake

problem with snakemake submitting jobs with multiple wildcard on SGE

Snakemake: I keep getting The 'conda' command is not available in $PATH. when running on SGE cluster

Using wildcards in params


R Draws Plots with Rectangles Instead of Text

Snakemake wants to run job although output file already exists

python offline snakemake

Symlink (auto-generated) directories via Snakemake

How to get the basename of the wildcard values in the snakemake output rule?

wildcard snakemake