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Symlink (auto-generated) directories via Snakemake

I am trying to create a symlink-directory structure for aliasing output directories in a Snakemake workflow.

Let's consider the following example:

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, somebody wanted to find the best ice cream flavour in the universe and conducted a survey. Our example workflow aims at representing the votes by a directory structure. The survey was conducted in English (because that's what they all speak in that foreign galaxy), but the results should be understood by non-English speakers as well. Symbolic links come to the rescue.

To make the input parsable for us humans as well as Snakemake, we stick them into a YAML file:

cat config.yaml
    - vader
    - luke
    - han
    - yoda
    - leia
    - windu
    chocolat: chocolate
    vanille: vanilla
    baie: berry
    schokolade: chocolate
    vanille: vanilla
    beere: berry

To create the corresponding directory tree, I started with this simple Snakefile:

### Setup ###

configfile: "config.yaml"

### Targets ###

votes = ["english/" + flavour + "/" + voter
         for flavour, voters in config["flavours"].items()
         for voter in voters]

translations = {language + "_translation/" + translation
                for language, translations in config["translations"].items()
                for translation in translations.keys()}

### Commands ###

create_file_cmd = "touch '{output}'"

relative_symlink_cmd = "ln --symbolic --relative '{input}' '{output}'"

### Rules ###

rule all:
    input: votes, translations

rule english:
    output: "english/{flavour}/{voter}"
    shell: create_file_cmd

rule translation:
    input: lambda wc: "english/" + config["translations"][wc.lang][wc.trans]
    output: "{lang}_translation/{trans}"
    shell: relative_symlink_cmd

I am sure there ary more 'pythonic' ways to achieve what I wanted, but this is just a quick example to illustrate my problem.

Running the above workflow with snakemake, I get the following error:

Building DAG of jobs...
MissingInputException in line 33 of /tmp/snakemake.test/Snakefile
Missing input files for rule translation:

So while Snakemake is clever enough to create the english/<flavour> directories when attempting to make an english/<flavour>/<voter> file, it seems to 'forget' about the existence of this directory when using it as an input to make a <language>_translation/<flavour> symlink.

As an intermediate step, I applied the following patch to the Snakefile:

<     input: votes, translations
>     input: votes#, translations

Now, the workflow ran through and created the english directory as expected (snakemake -q output only):

Job counts:
        count   jobs
        1       all
        6       english

Now with the target directories created, I went back to the initial version of the Snakefile and re-ran it:

Job counts:
        count   jobs
        1       all
        6       translation
ImproperOutputException in line 33 of /tmp/snakemake.test/Snakefile
Outputs of incorrect type (directories when expecting files or vice versa). Output directories must be flagged with directory(). for rule translation:
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message

While I am not sure if a symlink to a directory qualfies as a directory, I went ahead and applied a new patch to follow the suggestion:

<     output: "{lang}_translation/{trans}"
>     output: directory("{lang}_translation/{trans}")

With that, snakemake finally created the symlinks:

Job counts:
        count   jobs
        1       all
        6       translation

As a confirmation, here is the resulting directory structure:

├── berry
│   └── windu
├── chocolate
│   ├── han
│   ├── luke
│   └── vader
└── vanilla
    ├── leia
    └── yoda
├── baie -> ../english/berry
├── chocolat -> ../english/chocolate
└── vanille -> ../english/vanilla
├── beere -> ../english/berry
├── schokolade -> ../english/chocolate
└── vanille -> ../english/vanilla

9 directories, 6 files

However, besides not being able to create this structure without running snakemake twice (and modifying the targets in between), even simply re-running the workflow results in an error:

Building DAG of jobs...
File/directory is a child to another output:

So my question is: How can I implement the above logic in a working Snakefile?

Note that I am not looking for advice to change the data representation in the YAML file and/or the Snakefile. This is just an example to highlight (and isolate) an issue I encountered in a more complex scenario.

Sadly, while I could not figure this out by myself so far, I managed to get a working GNU make version (even though the 'YAML parsing' is hackish at best):

### Setup ###

configfile := config.yaml

### Targets ###

votes := $(shell awk ' \
  NR == 1 { next } \
  /^[^ ]/ { exit } \
  NF == 1 { sub(":", "", $$1); dir = "english/" $$1 "/"; next } \
  { print dir $$2 } \
  ' '$(configfile)')

translations := $(shell awk ' \
  NR == 1 { next } \
  /^[^ ]/ { trans = 1; next } \
  ! trans { next } \
  { sub(":", "", $$1) } \
  NF == 1 { dir = $$1 "_translation/"; next } \
  { print dir $$1 } \
  ' '$(configfile)')

### Commands ###

create_file_cmd = touch '$@'

create_dir_cmd = mkdir --parent '$@'

relative_symlink_cmd = ln --symbolic --relative '$<' '$@'

### Rules ###

all : $(votes) $(translations)

$(sort $(dir $(votes) $(translations))) : % :
$(foreach vote, $(votes), $(eval $(vote) : | $(dir $(vote))))
$(votes) : % :

translation_targets := $(shell awk ' \
  NR == 1 { next } \
  /^[^ ]/ { trans = 1; next } \
  ! trans { next } \
  NF != 1 { print "english/" $$2 "/"} \
  ' '$(configfile)')
define translation
$(word $(1), $(translations)) : $(word $(1), $(translation_targets)) | $(dir $(word $(1), $(translations)))
$(foreach i, $(shell seq 1 $(words $(translations))), $(eval $(call translation, $(i))))

Running make on this works just fine:

mkdir --parent 'english/chocolate/'
touch 'english/chocolate/vader'
touch 'english/chocolate/luke'
touch 'english/chocolate/han'
mkdir --parent 'english/vanilla/'
touch 'english/vanilla/yoda'
touch 'english/vanilla/leia'
mkdir --parent 'english/berry/'
touch 'english/berry/windu'
mkdir --parent 'french_translation/'
ln --symbolic --relative 'english/chocolate/' 'french_translation/chocolat'
ln --symbolic --relative 'english/vanilla/' 'french_translation/vanille'
ln --symbolic --relative 'english/berry/' 'french_translation/baie'
mkdir --parent 'german_translation/'
ln --symbolic --relative 'english/chocolate/' 'german_translation/schokolade'
ln --symbolic --relative 'english/vanilla/' 'german_translation/vanille'
ln --symbolic --relative 'english/berry/' 'german_translation/beere'

The resulting tree is identical to the one shown above.

Also, running make again works as well:

make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.

So I really hope the solution is not to go back to old-fashioned GNU make with all the unreadable hacks I internalized over the years but that there is a way to convince Snakemake as well to do what I spelled out to do. ;-)

Just in case it is relevant: This was tested using Snakemake version 5.7.1.


  • Fixed GNU make warning as per @MadScientist's comment.
  • Since the general feedback so far indicates that this is not possible with Snakemake, I cross-posted this as a feature request over on Snakemake's GitHub (before the bounty expires).
  • Simplified relative_symlink_cmd as per @Nick's comment.
like image 284
mschilli Avatar asked Jul 09 '20 15:07


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Video Answer

2 Answers

Here is a way to solve your first question (ie. have snakemake run only once to get all desired outputs). I use output files of rule english as input to rule translation, and the latter rule's shell command modified to reflect that. In my experience, using directories as input doesn't work great with snakemake, and if I remember correctly, directory() tag in input gets ignored.

Relevant code changes:

relative_symlink_cmd = """ln -s \
        "$(realpath --relative-to="$(dirname '{output}')" "$(dirname {input[0]})")" \

rule translation:
    input: lambda wc: ["english/" + config["translations"][wc.lang][wc.trans] + "/" + voter for voter in config['flavours'][config["translations"][wc.lang][wc.trans]]]
    output: directory("{lang}_translation/{trans}")
    shell: relative_symlink_cmd

Your second question is tricky because when you run the snakemake again, it will resolve the symlinks to their corresponding source file and this leads to ChildIOException error. This can be verified by replacing relative_symlink_cmd to make their own directory instead of symlinks, as shown below. In such case, snakemake works as expected.

relative_symlink_cmd = """mkdir -p '{output}'"""

I'm not sure how to get around that.

like image 195
Manavalan Gajapathy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Manavalan Gajapathy

I wanted to test with a newer version of Snakemake (5.20.1), and I came up with something similar to the answer proposed by Manalavan Gajapathy:

### Setup ###

configfile: "config.yaml"

VOTERS = list({voter for flavour in config["flavours"].keys() for voter in config["flavours"][flavour]})

### Targets ###

votes = ["english/" + flavour + "/" + voter
         for flavour, voters in config["flavours"].items()
         for voter in voters]

translations = {language + "_translation/" + translation
                for language, translations in config["translations"].items()
                for translation in translations.keys()}

### Commands ###

create_file_cmd = "touch '{output}'"

relative_symlink_cmd = "ln --symbolic --relative $(dirname '{input}') '{output}'"

### Rules ###

rule all:
    input: votes, translations

rule english:
    output: "english/{flavour}/{voter}"
    # To avoid considering ".done" as a voter
    shell: create_file_cmd

def get_voters(wildcards):
    return [f"english/{wildcards.flavour}/{voter}" for voter in config["flavours"][wildcards.flavour]]

rule flavour:
    input: get_voters
    output: "english/{flavour}/.done"
    shell: create_file_cmd

rule translation:
    input: lambda wc: "english/" + config["translations"][wc.lang][wc.trans] + "/.done"
    output: directory("{lang}_translation/{trans}")
    shell: relative_symlink_cmd

This runs and creates the desired output, but fails with ChildIOException when re-run (even if there would be nothing more to be done).

like image 33
bli Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09
