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Vagrant refuses to connect in private_network mode [closed]

Sinatra Web Admin (like Django Admin)

How does Sinatra define and invoke the get method?

undefined method `run' for main:Object (NoMethodError) Sinatra

sinatra rack

implement a rails before_filter in ruby without rails

Sinatra method `development?` undefined

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Testing controller instance variables with Rack::Test and Sinatra

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How to receive a JSON object with Rack

How do I test my JSON API with Sinatra + rspec

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Displaying Error Message with Sinatra

Rack Session Cookie and Sinatra - setting and accessing data

Ruby framework to write a API in? [closed]

port in use when not using a port

ruby sinatra

Unable to access Sinatra app on host machine with Vagrant forwarded ports

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Setup Cucumber, Capybara and RSpec with Modular Sinatra application

Can I enable SSL in Sinatra with Thin?

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Creating a route with Sinatra to only accept a certain Content-type

How do I tell Sinatra what environment (development, test, production) it is?

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Reloading Sinatra app on every request on Windows

ruby sinatra rack reloading

Small web-framework like Sinatra, Ramaze etc in .NET [closed]