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New posts in side-effects

is there any way to prevent side effects in python?

Getter with side effect

Is there a way to unit test against side effects?

unit-testing side-effects

Side Effects in Functional Programming

Unsequenced value computations (a.k.a sequence points)

Side effects in Scala

Why can I call a non-constexpr function inside a constexpr function?

Why can applicative functors have side effects, but functors can't?

Scala: "map" vs "foreach" - is there any reason to use "foreach" in practice?

Bug or Feature: Kotlin allows to change 'val' to 'var' in inheritance

Mock side effect only X number of times

Why are assignments not allowed in Python's `lambda` expressions?

Which algorithms are hard to implement in functional languages?

Javascript closures and side effects in plain English? (separately)

Are side effects a good thing? [closed]

What are the alternative of monads to use IO in pure functional programming?

What exactly does "effectful" mean

What is the result of i == (i = 2)?

Is the use of del bad?

Why is the raising of an exception a side effect?