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New posts in shared-libraries

How to list dependencies of c/c++ static library?

ldd can't find library in LD_LIBRARY_PATH

unix shared-libraries ldd

Multiple definition of a global variable [duplicate]

c makefile shared-libraries

ld cannot find -l<library>

Problems throwing and catching exceptions on OS X with -fno-rtti

Using C++11 multithreading in shared library loaded by program without thread support

Android NDK/JNI: Building a shared library that depends on other shared libraries

How to create a 32-bit shared-library on a 64-bit platform with autotools

how to force linker to use shared library instead of static library?

Is there any way to change the SONAME of a binary directly?

Create shared library from cpp files and static library with g++ [duplicate]

Include framework in Xcode static library?

How to build a shared library (.so) without hardcoded full dependency paths?

How to extract C source code from .so file?

What is the deal with undefined symbols in a shared library or dylib?

When to use --dynamic option in nm

building and linking a shared library

g++ cygwin shared-libraries

Link a static library to a shared one during build?

Alternatives to dlsym() and dlopen() in C++

Can a C++ Static Library link to shared library?