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New posts in shapes

Generating multidimensional data

Create random shape/contour using matplotlib

Multiline text as the button label in Windows Forms

Firefox and Opera rendering border incorrectly

css firefox border shapes

svg: generate 'outline path'

vector svg coordinates shapes

How to save a Google maps overlay shape in the database?

How to specify the position of an Ellipse shape on a canvas in WPF?

c# .net wpf graphics shapes

Create a cross shape in CSS

css shapes css-shapes

Is there an easy and fast way of checking if a polygon is self-intersecting?

c# .net geometry polygon shapes

Drawing a rounded hollow thumb over arc

Android : stroke in a shape create a margin of the stroke width

Android: How can I use the layer-list and shape elements to draw a horizontal rule when set as background?

android shapes

How do I draw lines using XNA?

Two Rectangles intersection

Drawing multiple shapes with ShapeDrawable in xml with Android

android xml drawable shapes

How to create a DataFrame of random integers with Pandas?

Border in shape XML

Multi-gradient shapes

android gradient shapes

Rounded corner for textview in android

How to make gradient background in android