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In bash script, how to use function exit status in while loop condition

linux bash shell sh

How can I run a docker container and commit the changes once a script completes?

bash docker sh commit

In a bash script, what would $'\0' evaluate to and why?

linux bash shell sh

Reading quoted/escaped arguments correctly from a string

bash shell sh

jenkins pipeline sh adding new line

Syntax error: "fi" unexpected (expecting "then") in bash script

bash command-line scripting sh

How to test Unity projects with Travis CI?

unity3d sh travis-ci

Why does Scala use a reversed shebang (!#) instead of just setting interpreter to scala

bash scala sh

Effects of comment (#) lines before and/or after the comment-like #!/bin/sh line

shell comments sh shebang

Do test operators -a and -o short circuit?

shell posix sh

Disable the arrow keys while a JAR is executed

bash jar sh

How POSIX compliant is "/path/file/.."?

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Detect if stdout is redirected to a pipe (not to a file, character device, terminal, or socket)?

linux unix posix sh

What does "2<&1" redirect do in Bourne shell?

bash shell redirect sh

pid=`cat $pidfile` or read pid <$pidfile?

posix sh

OSTYPE not available in shell script

Pipe to executable without exiting/EOF in bash

bash sh

Why does popen() invoke a shell to execute a process?

c linux sh popen

Error on "docker-compose" when I use by pipe with sh ( echo "docker-compose... " | sh )

Capturing the output of "diff" with org-babel

emacs sh org-mode org-babel