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New posts in setter

Can I have just getters and not setter?

groovy default setter getter

Scala case class copy constructor with dynamic fields

Typescript - Advantages of Setters/Getters?

Documenting setter functions with roxygen

Every "setter" method requires a "getter" method in Scala?

scala syntax setter getter

Return non optional value in getter, while allowing optional value in setter

swift setter getter optional

How to generate a hibernate ID with auto generate with a starting value

The use of getters and setters for different programming languages [closed]

c++ python matlab setter getter

Get and set (private) property in PHP as in C# without using getter setter magic method overloading

Override Setter in Subclass

Setter of a lambda function?

c++ c++11 lambda setter

Using getter / setter inside a class - good or bad practice? [closed]

java setter getter

Setter not called when deserializing collection

Why do we use 'this' in setter method but not in getter method? [duplicate]

What is the simplest way to define setter and getter in Python

python setter getter

Is it possible to use a setter to return a property to its default value?

wpf wpf-controls styles setter

Setter overloading in Kotlin

kotlin setter

Can you make a method part of the default setter action in a property variable?

c# properties setter

Why does Linq need a setter for a 'read-only' object property?

Lua getters and setters

class lua setter getter codea