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New posts in session-management

session management in web services?

Spring security concurrency control with custom UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter

How to store spring security session information in redis?

Session Management using Spring Security: Concurrent sessions

What is the usage of Session.Merge method in NHibernate?

How to find out what open sessions my servlet based application is handling at any given moment

Python Module for Session Management

Rails: tracking a user's ID

How to use a shiro native session in a grails web application?

Session Management with Windows Authentication

tipfy for Google App Engine: Is it stable? Can auth/session components of tipfy be used with webapp?

How to run query on session end?

WebApp Session Management using Ehcache

Using HTTP Digest Authentication on the iPhone

How do I structure my Perl CGI program?

perl cgi session-management

Managing session in REST application after authentication with OpenID

Is it possible to expire or delete a specific session in ColdFusion, other than the one for that request?

custom state management for Java EE

memcached-session-manager on AWS