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New posts in service-discovery

How to set up Spring Cloud Gateway application so it can use the Service Discovery of Spring Cloud Kubernetes?

Kubernetes service discovery doesn't resolve service host on minikube

Microservice, amqp and service registry / discovery

service discovery in docker without using consul

How to install the dns-sd command line test tool on Windows or Linux?

List Of Controllers And Classes In Asp.NET Web API

WiFiDirect discoverServices keeps failing with error 3 (NO_SERVICE_REQUESTS)

eureka unknownHostException in service discovery

Feign Client communication in predix (Cloud Foundry)

BluetoothGattCallback returns 129 -> GATT_INTERNAL_ERROR for a Beacon, but returns 0 for phones

Resolving SRV records with iOS SDK

Internal error using Network Service Discovery in Android

Prometheus dns service discovery in docker swarm

AWS ECS Private and Public Services

Unable to discover docker containers

Simple Java service discovery framework

java service-discovery

"Re-announcing" service periodically when using WCF ServiceDiscoveryBehavior announcement endpoint?

wifi-direct end connection to peer on Android?

Network Service Discovery Android

android service-discovery

Finding and Android NSD-Service from a non-Android Device