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New posts in service-discovery

Play Microservices - api gateway and service discovery

prometheus dynamic metrics_path

WCF Discovery finds endpoint but host is "localhost"

c# wcf service-discovery

Is there a way to discover other containers on a docker network using DNS?

Service Location Protocol (SLP) binding in Python [closed]

Wildfly-Swarm Consul service discovery - Invalid service address

Consul service discovery with DNS on Nodejs

Flexible, Solid and Portable Service Discovery

Integration Testing Spring Boot service using Eureka services

version management in microservices

How can I lookup dns service records in consul in python?

Should we run a Consul container in every Pod?

Service discovery in local network using WebSockets

Looking for API Gateway Technology that call multiple microservices [closed]

How do I point ELB to domain defined by service discovery

Android O issues with WiFi Peer Discovery