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New posts in semantic-web

Semantic store and entity hub

semantics semantic-web

What is the correct way to reference RDFa namespaces in HTML5?

html semantic-web rdfa

Removing datatypes from literals in SPARQL results

Why use owl:Restriction as own:EquivalenceClass's property?

Could anyone help me with a tool for RDF/OWL visualization?

What is the difference between rdf:resource and rdfs:Resource?

rdf semantic-web rdfs rdf-xml

RDF/OWL/SPARQL/Triple Stores/Reasoners and other Semantic Web APIs for C#?

c# semantic-web

owl - protege not inferring correctly? how to define precisely a class "vegetarian"?

Publicly available (rdf) color ontology?

rdf semantic-web ontology

Is <table> semantic for displaying phone, email, and fax?

RDFS vs. OWL Reasoners — Design considerations

rdf semantic-web owl rdfs

Explanation for reification in RDF

Good SPARQL query to find all triples with a resource as subject or object

How to extract RDF triples from XML file using an existing ontology?

java rdf jena semantic-web owl

Is there a shortcut for creating a class in N3/Turtle ontology language

rdf semantic-web n3 turtle-rdf

How to represent this sentence in description logic? [closed]

Retrieving all the ancestors of a rdf:Class

SPARQL query language tag weirdness

rdf semantic-web sparql

Best practices for adding semantics to a website

semantic-web rdfa

Difference between Semantic Web and NLP?