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RDF/OWL/SPARQL/Triple Stores/Reasoners and other Semantic Web APIs for C#?

For those of you working on Semantic Web development, which C# tools do you use for reasoning, parsing, etc.? The idea is to build a central repository of all C# APIs currently available. Sort of like I did here. Please post links, if you can, so I am able to summarize correctly.

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Dervin Thunk Avatar asked May 15 '09 19:05

Dervin Thunk

3 Answers

A nearly comprehensive list of .net (c# or whatever) semantic web tools could be found at W3C SemanticWebTools page or AI3 swtools list

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Remon Nashid Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09

Remon Nashid

You could try my Library dotNetRDF - it is free and open source and provides a state of the spec SPARQL implementation including almost all current draft SPARQL 1.1 features

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RobV Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09


I found RDFSharp at Codeplex and, for me, it seems promising, with nice ideas and a user-friendly API. It is very young, so it can only mature with the time.

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Janet Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
