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New posts in sed

Replacing multiple strings with some strings containing "." and affinity to other string(s) using sed


remove duplicateds words for multiple strings in bash

bash awk sed

Trouble with piping through sed

bash shell sed pipe

How to sed search and replace without changing ownership

unix sed replace

sed + need to remove each line in file that begin with ###


BASH: Find number in text -> variable

shell sed awk grep

Does deleting sed pattern space with 'd' erase hold space as well?


First occurrence on every line vi/vim/sed etc

regex vim sed awk vi

Appending to the middle of a line in a textfile sed


Deleting lines with sed or awk

sed awk

Using find, grep and sed together

linux sed grep find

How to format output of ifconfig

linux bash sed

sed gives me ": unexpected EOF (pending }'s) error and I have no idea why


How to print lines from a file using sed, where the line numbers are stored as variables

bash variables sed

Unescape with pipe

bash sed pipe

Get a difference file by specific patterns in two text files

regex sed awk pattern-matching

In bash how to replace string variable, and set it into sed command

bash sed

Match words in word-list and count occurrences

bash list sed awk grep

Modified copies of line sed / awk

bash sed awk

searching for ip addresses except using regular expressions

regex linux sed