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Replace each } with a }\n in a huge (12GB) which consists of 1 line?

bash logging sed logstash

Quickest/most concise bash one-liner for extracting specified lines from a file

perl bash sed awk grep

Substitution of ! with sed leads to event not found

sed csh tcsh

How to use sed to replace the first space with an empty string

regex linux bash sed tr

loop that prepends the filename to the beginning of each line in a tab separated file (thus generating a new column))

linux bash sed awk

how can we remove last 7 lines of file in unix [duplicate]

shell unix awk sed

How to delete all the lines after the last occurence of pattern?

bash awk sed

Use sed, grep, or awk without perl to replicate positive lookbehind

json regex bash awk sed

How do i get the value present in first double quotes?

bash shell awk sed

grep or sed for word containing string

regex sed grep

running sed with two instructions

bash sed

Find and Replace with Spaces using Sed Mac Terminal

macos bash csv sed terminal

How to insert 4 newlines before pattern match with SED?

macos shell sed terminal

Echo or preview text changed using sed -i


How to use sed to replace multiline string?


Replace the "pattern" on second-to-last line of a file


Use output of one command as replacement text in sed

bash unix sed

How to extract a substring matching a pattern from a Unix shell variable

regex unix shell sed grep

how to display all lines from one that match regex in linux

linux bash sed awk grep

grep on unix / linux: how to replace or capture text?

regex linux unix sed grep