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New posts in sed

How to remove lines from a list which can be found within other longer lines in the list?

perl bash sed

Sorting alphabetically in Bash

bash sorting sed awk

Removing lines from a file that don't match a pattern using sed

regex bash sed

bash script to replace all occurrences of placeholders in file

linux bash awk sed

How can I grab exposed port from inspecting docker container?

sed grep docker dockerfile

Windows Batch: How remove all blank (or empty) lines

regex windows batch-file sed

extracting specific lines from a text file

bash awk sed

Replace an XML element's value? Sed regular expression?

xml regex sed

(How) can I remove all newlines (\n) using sed?

sed newline

Removing spaces from the fields in a pipe-delimited file using shell script

shell sed

Basic stream/sed? bash script, perform substring on each line

bash sed

How to insert a line in a file between two blocks of known lines (if not already inserted previously), using bash?

bash sed awk file-manipulation

Using variables in sed -f (where sed script is in a file rather than inline)


How to remove first character from first line using sed

sql-server-2008 csv sed

sed append text obtained from stdout

bash sed

Sed error "\1 not defined in the RE" on MacOSX 10.9.5

regex macos bash sed

Regex replace on specific column with SED/AWK

linux unix awk sed

sed not working from within bash script

linux bash sed

What is the meaning of "0,/xxx" in sed?

bash sed

Extract email addresses from log with grep or sed

regex awk sed grep cut