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New posts in sed

How can I remove a Host entry from an ssh config file?

ssh sed

How to automatically create README.md markdown of directory tree listing

Flip multiple strings vertically on bash

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Reading value from an ini style file with sed/awk

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How can I add or remove character from a specified line number in shell?

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Exec sed command to a docker container

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How to sort the columns with below requirement

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sed regex - convert Title Case to camelCase

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bash conditionnal getline with awk/tr/sed?

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Two-file processing in awk

awk sed

find JSON key in all files and remove the corresponding key-value pair

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How to accelerate substitution when using GNU sed with GNU find?

linux sed find gnu xargs

sed regex to non-greedy replace?

Comment out N lines with sed/awk

sed awk

Extracting data from a file

sed grep unix

Regular Expression - Capture and Replace Select Sequences

regex sed

How do I remove part of a line in a multi-line chunk using sed or Perl?

linux perl unix sed

Replacing consecutively empty values in a CSV file

regex perl sed

How to search/replace a bunch of text files in unix (osx)

regex macos unix sed replace

remove new line if next line does not begin with a number

file sed