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New posts in sed

sed inserting dash into string

insert sed line character digit

How to replace all occurrences of X between Y's?

python regex perl sed

How to use curl and sed to extract a single element from a short json query

regex bash curl sed

Find and replace using xargs sed - can I save the results to a file?

replace sed find grep xargs

sed and replace string by a $variable [duplicate]

bash sed

processing alternate line bash

sed awk

Sed regexp multiline - replace HTML

regex linux tags sed

Decipher this sed one-liner


Set svn:ignore recursively for a directory structure

bash svn sed awk svnignore

Reference 10th submatch [duplicate]

regex sed

How to restrict sed to replace only data appearing after the first closing square bracket?

csv sed

Copy matching lines to a second file

sed awk

Removing all duplicate entries in a field

bash sed awk

Sed expression that converts some matches to uppercase


Find and execute mathematical expression from an xml attribute and replace the value

xml shell math sed awk

How to rename files using Zsh shell and `sed` command on Mac OSX

macos shell sed zsh

unhide hidden files in unix with sed and mv commands

regex bash sed mv hidden-files

How to get a specific line based on a pattern if found

sed awk

Using sed, how can a regular expression match Chinese characters?

use commandline arguments in a sed command

bash command-line sed