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New posts in scalaz

Transform an M[A => B] to an A => M[B]

Future with State monad

scalaz-stream how to implement `ask-then-wait-reply` tcp client

scala scalaz scalaz-stream

Why Free is not monad instance in Scalaz 7.1.5?

scala monads scalaz

Map a single entry of a Map

scala collections scalaz

Building a minimal predicate function by composing Option[predicate] functions in Scala (possibly with scalaz)

How to choose multiplication monoid instead of addition monoid?

scala scalaz

Scalaz: what role does filter play in |@|?

Scalaz monad transformers. Applying f1:A => G[B], f2:B => G[C] function to F[G[A]] object

Why is there no Functor instance for Array in Scalaz

arrays scala functor scalaz

Scala: Bad inferred type for Option composed with StateT monad transformer

Is there any comprehensive tutorial on how to use this kind of structural typing?

scala types scalaz

Using a view bounds with scalaz

scala scalaz

Reasonable Comonad implementations

Scala Cats or Scalaz typeclass scanLeft like

Scalaz validation

scala validation scalaz

Does Scalaz have something to accumulate in both error and success?

Unresolved dependency with specs2 scalaz-stream 0.5a

scala sbt scalaz specs2

What is this @@ operator defined in scalaz?

scala scalaz

More haskell-like applicative syntax in scalaz

scala scalaz