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Scala case class vs Kotlin data class

scala class kotlin

Dissimilar Scala book in near future [closed]


Is there an implementation of rapid concurrent syntactical sugar in scala? eg. map-reduce

ADTs in F# and Scala [closed]

Including scala-library.jar in Maven generated package

scala jar maven

Generic way to refer to "list" in Scala?


Difference between func(_) and func _

scala language-features

Scala Database Mapping Library Similar to iBATIS

Why += doesn't work with Lists?

scala scala-collections

Is it possible to get the parameter names of a method in scala

scala parameters

Classify words to "good" and "bad"

Need help for explain scala problem


How to add listeners to Swing components in Scala?

calling an external command as a subprocess in Scala

scala subprocess

Is there a way to avoid typing whole package names in the Scala interpreter in Eclipse?

eclipse scala

Reading multiple variables from an object wrapped in Option[]

scala scala-option

Java function with "..." in parameter list from Scala

Scala actor memory leaks, are they as bad as It was or improving?

scala scala-2.8

What is the best way to create map in parallel with scala?

Behaviour of super in chained Scala traits

scala traits