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How can I get the functionality of the Scala REPL :type command in my Scala program


What is the equivalent of C# method groups in Scala?

Is it possible to write a repeated-parameter function through function literal in scala ?

scala multiparameter

Play Framework 2 (Scala) templates: see if user is logged in

Concatenate TraversableOnce objects in Scala?

Unable to import a case class in an abstract class


"Closed" HashMap in Java/Scala

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Scala: immutability and path-dependent type compatibility

scala path-dependent-type

Scala anorm retrieve inserted id

In Scala - Converting a case class List into a List of tuples


Play Framework 2 Scala WS Doing a Sync Request

Scala: how to add type-dependent methods in trait?

scala scala-2.10 traits

Json Writes in Play 2.1.1

Write performance scala immutable collections

scala collections seq

Partially applied functions with all arguments missing in Scala

My http request becomes null inside an Akka future

scala akka scalatra

Scala parenthesis semantics


Anonymous Subclass in Scala


Scala bitwise operation

scala bit-manipulation

Getting the parameters of a case class through Reflection