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My http request becomes null inside an Akka future

My server application uses Scalatra, with json4s, and Akka.

Most of the requests it receives are POSTs, and they return immediately to the client with a fixed response. The actual responses are sent asynchronously to a server socket at the client. To do this, I need to getRemoteAddr from the http request. I am trying with the following code:

case class MyJsonParams(foo:String, bar:Int)

class MyServices extends ScalatraServlet {
  implicit val formats = DefaultFormats

  post("/test") {
    withJsonFuture[MyJsonParams]{ params =>
      // code that calls request.getRemoteAddr goes here
      // sometimes request is null and I get an exception

  def withJsonFuture[A](closure: A => Unit)(implicit mf: Manifest[A]) = {
    contentType = "text/json"
    val params:A = parse(request.body).extract[A]

The intention of the withJsonFuture function is to move some boilerplate out of my route processing.

This sometimes works (prints a non-null value for request) and sometimes request is null, which I find quite puzzling. I suspect that I must be "closing over" the request in my future. However, the error also happens with controlled test scenarios when there are no other requests going on. I would imagine request to be immutable (maybe I'm wrong?)

In an attempt to solve the issue, I have changed my code to the following:

case class MyJsonParams(foo:String, bar:Int)

class MyServices extends ScalatraServlet {
  implicit val formats = DefaultFormats

  post("/test") {
    withJsonFuture[MyJsonParams]{ (addr, params) =>

  def withJsonFuture[A](closure: (String, A) => Unit)(implicit mf: Manifest[A]) = {
    contentType = "text/json"
    val addr = request.getRemoteAddr()
    val params:A = parse(request.body).extract[A]
      closure(addr, params)

This seems to work. However, I really don't know if it is still includes any bad concurrency-related programming practice that could cause an error in the future ("future" meant in its most common sense = what lies ahead :).

like image 449
Eduardo Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 03:12


1 Answers

Scalatra is not so well suited for asynchronous code. I recently stumbled on the very same problem as you. The problem is that scalatra tries to make the code as declarative as possible by exposing a dsl that removes as much fuss as possible, and in particular does not require you to explicitly pass data around.

I'll try to explain.

In your example, the code inside post("/test") is an anonymous function. Notice that it does not take any parameter, not even the current request object. Instead, scalatra will store the current request object inside a thread local value just before it calls your own handler, and you can then get it back through ScalatraServlet.request.

This is the classical Dynamic Scope pattern. It has the advantage that you can write many utility methods that access the current request and call them from your handlers, without explicitly passing the request.

Now, the problem comes when you use asynchronous code, as you do. In your case, the code inside withJsonFuture executes on another thread than the original thread that the handler was initially called (it will execute on a thread from the ExecutionContext's thread pool). Thus when accessing the thread local, you are accessing a totally distinct instance of the thread local variable. Simply put, the classical Dynamic Scope pattern is no fit in an asynchronous context.

The solution here is to capture the request at the very start of your handler, and then exclusively reference that:

post("/test") {
  val currentRequest = request
  withJsonFuture[MyJsonParams]{ params =>
    // code that calls request.getRemoteAddr goes here
    // sometimes request is null and I get an exception

Quite frankly, this is too easy to get wrong IMHO, so I would personally avoid using Scalatra altogether if you are in an synchronous context.

like image 146
Régis Jean-Gilles Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 06:01

Régis Jean-Gilles