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Easiest way to represent Euclidean Distance in scala

arrays scala

Scala future return based on first future result

Picking the right exception handling in scala

check "isDefined" and map to "get" together

scala scala-collections

Should I use an empty List or make it an Option?

How to conditionally invoke a task in sbt?

scala sbt

Is it possible to use JSON library without installing Play?

Using result from Scalas "fromURL" throws Exception


JSON reads with hardcoded values in Play framework (Scala)

json scala playframework

Convert normal recursion to tail recursion with multiple recursive calls

How do I start Spark's Shell on Window's 8.1?

scala spark-streaming

Why does Option.apply throw NPEs for boxed primitives?


What does "=>" mean in Scala?


How to create object/singleton of generic type in Scala?

scala generics singleton

Why there are two class files generated after compiling scala code?


Scala try-catch not catching exception

scala try-catch

How to watch remote Akka Actor?

IntelliJ IDEA reports errors in routes

Slick 3.0.0 database agnostism

scala slick

Can I mimic Scala SIP-18-syle imports?
