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New posts in scala

How can I customize Scala ambiguous implicit errors when using shapeless type inequalities

scala shapeless

Why don't imperative languages have pattern matching?

How to convert a result of ask to appropriate type?

scala akka spray

Assert order of messages received using Akka TestProbe

scala unit-testing akka actor

DI in Scala with Cake Pattern

How does ArrayBuffer works in memory?

java scala arraybuffer

Calculation Distance Between Points


How do I get the CPU utilization of an akka actor

java scala akka cpu-usage

What is the implicit resolution sequence in this "simple" ScalaZ tutorial code example?

How to always call a method inside receive() even if nothing matches

scala akka

What is "String with Int" supposed to mean?

scala types type-inference

How to start Play application before tests and then shut it down in specs2?

scala playframework specs2

How to use java Map<String, Object> where scala Map[String, Any] is requred?

java scala type-conversion

Setting multiple object attributes in Scala?

scala attributes

Faster implementation of Option.isEmpty?

performance scala

adding task to sbt 13.x build.sbt

scala sbt

Scala Type Based Attribute Extractor - Getter only Lens?

Scala function signature: What does (p: (T, B) ⇒ Boolean) mean?


Play framework: is there a way to avoid strange form helper syntax?

How do I convert a Scala Double into a binary 64-bit String
