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New posts in scala

Is the given code thread safe?


How to use BLAS library in Spark?

scala apache-spark blas

How to apply a function of all elements of n Array?


Mixing generic types

scala types covariance

Scala: More Efficient Way to Filter a List and Create a Sequence of Futures

scala future

scala pattern match a function - how to get around type erasure

Scala. Partial classes


AKKA Futures and Java Threads

scala akka future

Reading an Avro file from scala

scala avro

Apply a sequence of functions to value and get the final result


Spark TaskNotSerializable when using anonymous function

Scala higher-kinded type and covariant

Cannot run RandomForestClassifier from spark ML on a simple example

Pattern matching - spark scala RDD

Scala case class is not matched in receive method (in akka actors)

Scala: get default values without creating an object

scala default-value

Garbage collection time very high in spark application causing program halt

Can this Scala code snippet be made more concise?


Scala "constructor Stopwatch cannot be accessed in class Main"

scala constructor guava slf4j

Default implementation of AnyRef.eq method
