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Scala "constructor Stopwatch cannot be accessed in class Main"

Summary on resolution, I thought I was dealing with a Scala problem but it turns out Stopwatch and Scala Logging have private constructors, and I was not calling the proper public methods to instantiate them. gzm0's answer below points this out.

Trying to use Guava Stopwatch and Scala Logging, no matter whether I create a new Stopwatch() or new Logger() in Main or in an instantiated class I get this error with gradle run:

constructor Logger in class Logger cannot be accessed in class RedBlackTree4150
var loggerInst = new Logger()
constructor Stopwatch in class Stopwatch cannot be accessed in class RedBlackTree4150
var stopWatchInst = new Stopwatch()

If this is a duplicate of this or this question I don't know enough to realize it. I looked at this question but it doesn't have an accepted answer, and I tried (just for fun) to take my parens off my constructor calls to no avail.

Writing my first Gradle/Scala project for a Analysis of Algorithms assignment. I think if I was in Java I would be asking about static vs. non-static, not sure if that's the type of issue I am dealing with. Scala is not part of the assignment so I am not using a homework tag.

Here's how I am calling them and the first part of my program, the full .scala file and the build.gradle are on Github

import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.Logger
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

object Main extends App {
  // var rbtree = new RedBlackTree4150(logger, stopWatch)
  var rbtree = new RedBlackTree4150()
// class RedBlackTree4150 (var loggerInst: Logger, var stopWatchInst: Stopwatch) {
class RedBlackTree4150() {
  var loggerInst = new Logger()
  var stopWatchInst = new Stopwatch()

As you can see I have tried simplifying this by making it all one Object, and by instantiating Logger and Stopwatch in Main and passing them to the class (bad idea I know) but none of that works. What simple Scala thing am I missing here? Thanks.

Otherwise I believe I have all my dependencies in the project properly, and I get the same error on command line.

I do have one more error I posted as a separate question here, just in case it's relevant, the error is:

/home/jim/workspace/Scala/RedBlackTree4150/src/main/scala/Main.scala:36: value map is not a member of Double
  timingsMap = for (i <- powersList; j <- runTest(i)) yield i -> j
like image 719
JimLohse Avatar asked Feb 08 '23 22:02


1 Answers

The constructors of both Stopwatch and Logger are private. You need to use factory methods to instantiate them.

In case of the Stopwatch, you could use the createUnstarted() method:

val stopwatch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted()

In case of Logger, you must use the apply method. However, it requires an underlying SLF4J logger. You can create one through SLF4J's LoggerFactory:

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
val logger = Logger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass))
like image 163
gzm0 Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 17:03
