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Scala higher-kinded type and covariant

I'm trying to abstract over some library API that can return any of type A, Option[A] or Seq[A].

So far, I have something like this:

  type Const[T] = T

  sealed abstract class Request[F[_], A]

  case class GetOne(id: Int) extends Request[Const, Int]
  case class GetMany() extends Request[Seq, String]

And then when I use it:

def get[F[_], A](request: Request[F, A]): F[A] = request match {
  case GetOne(id) => client.getOne[F[A]](id)
  case GetMany() => client.getMany[A]() // error: Seq[A] does not conform to F[A]

I understand why this wouldn't work in that F[_] is not subclass of covariant Seq[_] or something like that. But I'm not sure how I can work around while still being able to use Const[A]. Am I hopeless? Please help.

like image 608
Daniel Shin Avatar asked Feb 08 '23 17:02

Daniel Shin

1 Answers

For such type of polymorphism you could use typeclass concept

trait Client {
  def getOne[X]: X
  def getMany[X]: Seq[X]

type Const[T] = T

sealed abstract class Request[F[_], A]

case class GetOne(id: Int) extends Request[Const, Int]
case class GetMany() extends Request[Seq, String]

We could define such typeclass:

trait HandleRequest[R <: Request[F, A], F[_], A] {
  def apply(request: R, client: Client): F[A]

And instantiate it for desired cases:

implicit object handleGetOne extends HandleRequest[GetOne, Const, Int] {
  def apply(request: GetOne, client: Client): Int = client.getOne

implicit object handleGetMany extends HandleRequest[GetMany, Seq, String] {
  def apply(request: GetMany, client: Client): Seq[String] = client.getMany

Now you could define your general function as follows:

implicit class ClientOps(val client: Client) {
  def get[R <: Request[F, A], F[_], A](request: R)(implicit handle: HandleRequest[R, F, A]): F[A] =
    handle(request, client)

If you ever like to generalize your request types, for instance:

case class GetOne[X](id: Int) extends Request[Const, X]
case class GetMany[X]() extends Request[Seq, X]

You could redefine your instances as:

implicit def handleGetOne[X] = new HandleRequest[GetOne[X], Const, X] {
  def apply(request: GetOne[X], client: Client): X = client.getOne

implicit def handleGetMany[X] = new HandleRequest[GetMany[X], Seq, X] {
  def apply(request: GetMany[X], client: Client): Seq[X] = client.getMany
like image 133
Odomontois Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 14:02
