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New posts in sbt-assembly

How to include test classes and test dependencies in sbt asssembly

scala sbt sbt-assembly

How much of a jar file gets loaded into the memory

Speeding up SBT-assembly

Shading over third party classes

scala sbt sbt-assembly

Why does sbt assembly fail with "Not a valid command: assembly"?

Setting up sbt to publish to artifactory based on git branch

How to exclude jar in final sbt assembly plugin

Adding vendor information to MANIFEST.MF using sbt-assembly

scala sbt sbt-assembly

installing sbt-assembly with sbt 0.11.2

scala jar sbt sbt-assembly

libraryDependencies for com.eed3si9n#sbt-assembly;0.13.0: not found

scala sbt sbt-assembly

Standalone deployment of Scalatra servlet

Including a Spark Package JAR file in a SBT generated fat JAR

Why Maven assembly works when SBT assembly find conflicts

sbt assembly error - deduplicate: different file contents found in the following

sbt assembly shading to create fat jar to run on spark

Two libraries bring in different version of the same dependency. How to import them both?

Custom outputPath for sbt-assembly

scala sbt sbt-assembly

What means "xs @ _*" in PathList of SBT assembly-plugin?

scala sbt sbt-assembly

Scala SBT Assembly cannot merge due to de-duplication error in StaticLoggerBinder.class

scala sbt sbt-assembly

scala sbt assembly "no main manifest attribute"

scala sbt sbt-assembly