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New posts in ruby-on-rails-plugins

Factory_girl has_one relation with validates_presence_of

How to add extra form fields outside the form declaration block

Using jQuery plugins in Rails 3

Logout with http basic authentication and restful_authentication plugin

generators and migrations in plugins (rails 3)

Rendering validation errors in Ruby on Rails

Confused about how to install Rails plugins

acts_as_list with has_and_belongs_to_many relationship

Rails 3 best way to create a comment system for posts

Mahout Plugin for ruby on rails

Start or ensure that Delayed Job runs when an application/server restarts

Rails - Paperclip validating attachment size when it shouldn't be?

Which Ruby on Rails admin plugin do you use and why? What are the pros and cons of different admin gems?

switching a subdirectory managed by git to a submodule

Filter chain halted as [:login_required] rendered_or_redirected

Supporting Mobile Devices in Ruby on Rails

Any good Rails example/framework for sorting, filtering, pagination with Ajax

"Like", "Dislike" plugin for rails

Static web site generation