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How to add extra form fields outside the form declaration block

The main goal: Allow plugins, gems to add additional form fields to predefined forms.

For example, application has a devise login form:

<%= form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, ...) do |f| %>
  <%= devise_error_messages! %>
<% end %>

Marketing department wants to start a campaign for the next 2 days (ex: register with a promo code and get X bonus points). So we need to add an additional promo code field to ALL our registration forms.

Is there a way to add an extra field to the form from my rails-plugin/railtie, and define a on_submit callback method (to take action on my additional field data)?


  • it allows removing the functionality in 2 days or a week simply by removing it from gem file
  • guarantee that core site's functionality is not broken, it simply falls back to the original functionality
  • guarantee that a developer has not left any code somewhere in the main app
  • plugin/railtie takes care of the saving/updating data that belongs to it

Looked at ActionView code, and it seems there is no built in way of doing it. What are your thoughts?

NOTE: Drupal's form_alter hooks are a great example.

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Uzbekjon Avatar asked Feb 08 '12 16:02


2 Answers

First of all, your idea to isolate this code in a gem/railtie/engine is excellent. I think your best bet may be to monkey patch the form_for method and stick in the extra field. Regarding the on-submit trigger, if you're on Rails 3.1 and are using the asset pipeline, you can have the gem serve javascript as well, although that would require a small change in your application.js to require the gem's js file, e.g. require 'promo/application.js, if the gem were called "promo".

Take a look at the docs for Customized Form Builder

Here's some rough idea how this could work, although I haven't tried this code. I'd put this in the promo.rb file that sub-classes Railtie or Engine.

ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do

  module ActionView
    module Helpers
      module FormHelper
        extend ActiveSupport::Concern

        included do
          alias_method_chain :form_for, :promo_code

        module InstanceMethods

          def form_for_with_promo_code(record, options = {}, &proc)
            output = form_for_without_promo_code(record, options.merge(builder: FormBuilderWithPromoCode), proc)
            # See file: actionpack-3.1.3/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb for details
            # the output will have "</form>" as the last thing, strip that off here and inject your input field
            promo_field = content_tag :input, name: 'promo_code'  # you can also run this through the proc if you want access to the object

Down the road, esp. if your marketing department may run more campaigns, you may even want to change the app's forms, to point to a specific builder that you can override from a gem without the monkey patching here.

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Wolfram Arnold Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

Wolfram Arnold

Idea in steps:

1) Define a model such as AdditionalField (id, field_name, field_type, default_value, is_required)

2) then create a function like:

def self.for_form(my_form_name = nil)
 if my_form_name.nil?
  self.find(:all, :contitions => {:form_type => my_form_name.type} # or whatever selection criteria

3) then you can iterate over the found AdditionalFields and build the correct field types as needed.

I used this solution for a comparison website where they needed to configure the questionnaires for each different comparison type.

Here's the render code I used, you'll need to amend it to suit your situation. relationships are:

convention -< booking >- user
convention -< convention_question
booking -< guests
guest -< guest_answers


def render_guest_questions(guest, convention_question)      

    fields_for "booking[guest_answer_attributes][]", convention_question do |m|
      case convention_question.display_type
      when "Text"
        '<td>' + text_field_tag("booking[guest_answer_attributes][convention_question_#{guest.id}_#{convention_question.id}]") + '</td>'
      when "Boolean"
        '<td>' + hidden_field_tag("booking[guest_answer_attributes][convention_question_#{guest.id}_#{convention_question.id}]", "No") + check_box_tag("booking[guest_answer_attributes][convention_question_#{guest.id}_#{convention_question.id}]", "Yes") + '</td>'



if params[:booking] && !params[:booking].blank? && !params[:booking][:guest_answer_attributes].blank?
    params[:booking][:guest_answer_attributes].each do |k,v|
      handle_answers(k, v)

def handle_answers(k, v)
  x = k.mb_chars.split(/_/)
  g_id = x[2]
  q_id = x[3]
  item = GuestAnswer.find_or_create_by_guest_id_and_convention_question_id(
                  {:guest_id => g_id,
                  :convention_question_id => q_id, 
                  :answer => v})
like image 30
TomDunning Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
