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With paperclip, how can I change the image location to a ":parent_model_id/:id" folder format?

Ruby on rails: Calendar with events

How to enable CKEditor on a field in rails_admin?

I'm using RVM, what is the difference between using bundle install and rvm bundle install?

How to get the list of all engines in Rails 3 app

How do i test routes in Rails 3 plugins?

Serialize With Options Configuration Blocks

Error generating test routes for Rails 3 plugin?

Spork, RSpec and database_cleaner destroying development database

How to create a plugin/gem in rails [closed]

Saving the order of associated records in a Rails has_many :through association

Hiding amazon urls when using S3, Rails and Paperclip

Rails3 and Paperclip

How to include a controller with a Ruby on Rails gem?

Setting up a beta sign up with Devise

Rails gem/plugin for dynamic custom fields in model

Ruby on Rails CoffeeScript failing

Rails devise reset_password_token keeps getting marked as "expired"

Mount an engine on subdomain Rails 3.1

wicked_pdf does not include styles