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New posts in ruby-on-rails-3

New Rails project -- Rails2 or Rails3?

Foreign key (class_id) not populating in belongs_to association

'scoped' method for Rails 2.X ad Rails 3

Setting up RVM gemset via Rails 3 template

SimpleCov rspec and cucumber separately

NoMethodError in Pages#home

rails - Search Controller

writing nested namespace routes on rail3


Rails 3 - Delayed_Job

rails Devise - How to redirect to a Getting Started Link - After validating an email

How to update a Rails 3 project to latest gems?

Heroku PostgreSQL GROUP_BY error in Rails app

rails_admin: control on admin users signup


Add a simple link to set a boolean field in Rails - nothing seems to happen

Use proc in Validation

Advice on using modules with Ruby on Rails

How to replace Rspec's ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' deprecated in Rails 3.0?

Rails - How to add a BLOB column using ActiveRecord?

Rails 3.1.1 has_secure_password digest can't be blank


ElasticSearch + Tire: good strategy to mock ES