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New posts in ruby-on-rails-3

How do I take into account the random number in my rspec tests?

Sidekiq return value of a delayed method

Ruby replacing entire file instead of appending to it

rails: force a model to be not valid

Failure/Error: expected: 1 time with any arguement, recieved: 0 times with any arguments

rails update_all fields and increment count by 1

Michael Hartl's Rails tutorial chapter 12-- all 54 tests failed...?

Rails : Namespacing vs Engines?

How to modify cancan load and authorize resource to load resource using different id

Terminal still shows older version of rails even after updating

What happened to Builder::XmlMarkup in Rails 3?

How to use javascript_include_tag to get all scripts in a folder

Rails + Heroku + Jammit

Invalid filename in email (ActionMailer)

link_to(:controller=>"something") helper + Devise doesn't work properly

HABTM and accepts_nested_attributes_for

Installing PostgreSQL with Ruby on Rails on Mac OS X

Rails controller names with dashes instead of underscores

rails3 bigint primary key

How to upgrade a Rails 3.0 app to Rails 3.1?