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New posts in ruby-on-rails-3

Override default scope in active_admin form.has_many

POW Error - Rails

Error with autotest in ruby on rails

case insensitive name, while preserving capitalization, in Devise

Require directive - file url

How can I fetch only the confirmed users when using devise and Sunspot?

log backtrace, rescue_from and custom error pages

Rails helper method: Nested hash to nested HTML list

Add a class to each select options with SimpleForm

Secure session cookies for rails application

rails: how can I override a locale based on subdomain?

Active admin redirects after login

Rails ActiveRecord CounterCache and Callbacks

Rails AXLSX gem trying to merge cells of last row created

How does Rails instantiate objects retrieved from the database?

How do you undo a rollback (rollforward?)

Rails: params in format.html { render ... }

Stripe undefined method `create' for #<Stripe::ListObject:

jquery ajax render partial with rails view

How to display associated model's attribute in Active Admin index with belongs_to/has_many relationship (Rails 3.2/Active Admin)