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Should rails ajax calls be bundled into their own separate controller?

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asp.net routing in webform - how get route data

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Choosing routing.yml based on user culture?

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In Rails Routes redirect controller action to root?

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How does route finding software work?

How to get absolute url in Pylons?

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Routing problem in Rails 3: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches ...)

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How do I use regular expressions in a Rails route to make a redirection?

Rails 3 Routes with or without :id

Problem with Routes using Devise and Omniauth

Grails Routes - ignore css, js and images

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Rails Routing: how to separate a token from surrounding static segments

Rails routing url name helpers

Rails 3.1 force .html instead of no extension

ruby-on-rails-3 routes

Why does Kademlia structure its routing table how it does?

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Rails match routes with slugs without using ID in link

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Rails - blank json file when using jbuilder

Rails: nesting same resource in multiple nested restful routes?

Jetty '{servlet}/{parameter}' url routing

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