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New posts in rounding-error

Error in rounding off floating point value for collection view

Minimize rounding error when dividing by integers

Haskell logbase error

How do deal with infinitely repeating numbers as decimals?

c# rounding rounding-error

Delphi Roundto and FormatFloat Inconsistency

delphi rounding-error

If two languages follow IEEE 754, will calculations in both languages result in the same answers?

Detecting precision loss when converting from double to float

Rounding differences on Windows vs Unix based system in sprintf

PHP rounding error

php rounding rounding-error

Specifying DPI of a GDI Device Context

gdi rounding-error metafile

php intval() and floor() return value that is too low?

Python round a float to nearest 0.05 or to multiple of another float

Entity Framework Code First truncating my decimals

Is there a datatype "Decimal" in R?

Rounding Standards - Financial Calculations

What class to use for money representation?

How is floating point stored? When does it matter?

BigDecimal multiply by zero