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New posts in rollback

How to rollback a specific migration in Cakephp?

Allowing user to rollback from db audit trail with SQLAlchemy

JPA transaction/rollback behaviour with objects persisted via cascade

grails withTransaction - why is it on a domain object?

grails rollback

How to stop rollback in MDB?

shareware enforcement vs time machine

Why would the rollback method not be available for a DBI handle?

perl module dbi rollback

Transactions in GreenDao

Rollback a specific migration in laravel5

Automatic rollback without any error?

Why are transactions not rolling back when using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner/MySQL/Spring/Hibernate

Modify a Specific Migration

mercurial abort: Input/output error,transaction abort! rollback completed

Click once application rollback

Rollback the transaction when user abort the connection

php mysql ajax rollback abort

migration not rolling back

Rake db:migrate - how do I undo all migrations and redo them