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DBI prepared statement - bind hex-wildcard string

Force readonly when connecting to sqlite file

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How can I see if MYSQL truncated a field during an Update usint Perl DBI

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PERL 5.8.4 Installing DBI Module

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Why '1.66' does not match 1.66 in MySQL in double-field?

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Dashes Causing SQL Trouble in DBI

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How can I get timestamps in Perl DBI logfiles?

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How do I connect to an MS Access database using Perl?

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Protecting against SQL tablename injection - how far is too far?

How to determine Mysql connection ID in Perl?

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Mojolicious custom sessions

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Why is Perl DBI escaping values retrieved from MySQL?

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Why does $dbh->do('VACUUM') fail with Perl's DBD::SQLite?

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How can I access two Oracle databases with different versions (8i and 9) using perl?

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How can I tell DBD::CSV to use a comma as the decimal seperator?

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Why would the rollback method not be available for a DBI handle?

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How can I use placeholders for variadic SQL functions with Perl's DBI?

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Why am I seeing DBI errors on the console even though I have wrapped the DBI calls in an eval?

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Is MySQL more resistant to SQL injection attack than PostgreSQL (under Perl/DBI)?