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DBI prepared statement - bind hex-wildcard string

I'm pretty new to Perl and I've been stumped by an error with DBI. I'm trying to query for a series of characters defined by their hex values:

my @compare = ( '\'%\'+x\'0A\'+\'%\'',
                '\'%\'+x\'A0\'+\'%\'' );

my $fetch_bad_rows = $dbh->prepare( qq{
    SELECT B.* FROM ... AS B
    WHERE B. ... LIKE ?
        OR B. ... LIKE ?
        OR B. ... LIKE ?
        OR B. ... LIKE ?


my $counter;
for( $counter = 0; $fetch_bad_rows->fetch; $counter++ ) {};
print LOG sprintf("Found %d bad rows\n", $counter);

Executing the statement this way finds 0 rows. However, if I hard code the strings in the query, I get 437 records:

my $fetch_bad_rows = $dbh->prepare( qq{
    WHERE B. ... LIKE '%'+x'0A'+'%'
        OR B. ... LIKE '%'+x'92'+'%'
        OR B. ... LIKE '%'+x'96'+'%'
        OR B. ... LIKE '%'+x'A0'+'%'


I haven't been able to figure out what I'm doing wrong with passing in the bind values.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.

like image 947
awiseman Avatar asked Feb 14 '23 13:02


1 Answers

The ? in the prepare will make sure that everything is escaped. So if you pass in stuff that has ' it will escape the quotes:


Which can be more easily written as:


will turn into:

... LIKE '\'%\'+x\'0A\'+\'%\''

And thus it does not find anything.

like image 120
simbabque Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 02:02
