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handling long running large transactions with perl dbi

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mysql_skip_secure_auth not skipping secure auth

perl perl-module dbi

perl DBI, fastest way to get a single scalar value

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utf-8 string getting truncated in MySQL table using Perl/DBI

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Binding parameters to postgres query in Perl using names

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PostgreSQL - INSERT an array of composite type containing arrays

Where do perls dbi:Oracle table_info/column_info get their information from?

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El Capitan perl DBD unsafe use of relative path

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How do I insert null fields with Perl's DBD::Pg?

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What are the advantages of using DBIx::Connector over simply setting mysql_auto_reconnect to 1?

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DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near "$1"

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Perl DBI without accessing the database

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more elegant way to construct SQL adding WHERE and using placeholders

perl dbi

Fetch data with one row and one column from table using Perl DBI

perl dbi

Why am I getting 0E0 for the return value of the DBI "execute" method?

perl dbi

What's wrong with this alternative mechanism to make DBI queries?

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Repeated arguments in a prepared statement

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how to query sqlite for certain rows, i.e. dividing it into pages (perl DBI)

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Why does DBI's do method return "0E0" if zero rows were affected?

perl dbi