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New posts in ripple

retain ripple effect during notifydatachanged in recyclerview

PhoneGap application not working on Google Ripple

jquery cordova ripple

Android L Ripple Effect-How to disable ripple effect of a thumb on my seekbar?

android seekbar ripple

Android Lock Screen Notification Custom View with Ripple and Double Tap

How to build apache cordova project from command line?

How to set button background drawable image with ripple effect in android

Unable to get launched browser process for Ripple

Make ripple fill whole View

Cannot Make AJAX Call in Google Ripple PhoneGap Emulation (500 Error)

Unable to get Ripple session info

Create a ripple drawable without transparency

How can I disable Android Lollipop ripple's alpha value?

Cordova 3 + Ripple

Recycler view click animation

PhoneGap Ripple Emulator always reports malformed config.xml

Android Button with rounded corners, ripple effect and no shadow

Android, setting background color of button loses ripple effect

Lollipop RippleDrawable vs Selector for Pre-Lollipop

Ripple effect over a RecyclerView item containing ImageView

What should be the color of the Ripple, colorPrimary or colorAccent? (Material Design)