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Maximum Cookie Size of current browsers (Year 2018)

http cross-browser rfc

W3C validator says 'feed does not validate' 'url must be a full URL'... whats wrong with it?

url rss w3c w3c-validation rfc

Why does SOCKS5 require to relay UDP over UDP?

networking tcp udp socks rfc

Validation/Format of display-name in from header

smtp rfc rfc2822

Online SpamAssassin evaluation / RFC conformant check [closed]

What pattern should be used to parse RFC 3339 datetime strings in java

java datetime rfc rfc3339

What is the editor used for writing RFC text files?

editor rfc

Is there an RFC on EML file formats?

email rfc eml email-formats

Leading underscores in an email address?

email-validation rfc

Which date formats are IETF-compliant RFC 2822 timestamps?

Extract Server Name Indication (SNI) from TLS client hello

What does QD stand for in DNS RFC1035

dns rfc nomenclature rfc1035

RFC documents to A4 format


SMTP dot stuffing.. when and where to do it?

email smtp rfc

How are the ascii diagrams in RFC's generated?

networking ascii rfc ascii-art

Any parsers for RFC documents? [closed]

parsing document rfc

What characters can one use in a URL?

url rfc

MIME RFC "Content-Type" parameter confusion? Unclear RFC specification

mime specifications rfc rfc822

What is the reason behind 76 characters being the length limit for MIME sections for Emails (RFC 2045)?

email smtp base64 mime rfc

How to write and propose an RFC?
