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New posts in reverse-engineering

Binary Bomb - Phase 4

How does one disassemble Pro*C/C++ programs? [closed]

Differences between call, push+ret and push+jump in assembly

sub eax,0 - does it do anything?

Secure Java from reverse-engineering using industry grade encryption

How to check if binaries are built from particular sources

java reverse-engineering

When analyzing a binary compiled from Swift, is it possible to figure out the Swift method name for a function that has no symbol?

"PrivateImplementationDetails" function when decompiling a C #

Reverse Engineering?

How to collect system calls from a binary with static analysis?

Reverse Engineering the DOM, Javascript events & "what's going on"?

How does an APK file include DLL files? Can Android run DLL files?

Convert Java Applet CAP file to *.class for decompilation

DEbug x64 application using IDA PRO 6.1

PE Export Directory Table's OrdinalBase field ignored?

Reverse engineer optimized c code from assembly

Reverse Engineer Auto-Generated C?

When a C++ program terminates on Windows what is the last function called by the termination stub?